Now is the time to start looking after the lawn so this summer is beautiful. That's why I'm going to start explaining how to start keeping it.
The lawn is always in continuous growth and regeneration. The mowing and trampling increases the nutritional requirements and they make essential a correct fertilizer to obtain a turf of high quality.
Nitrogen is the most important element for balanced nutrition of the turf, being essential to get from this is dense and vigorous.
There are two types of fertilized, the background and the maintenance.
The background is made at the time of preparation of the land and is incorporated with the rest of organic material inputs and soil correctors.
And the maintenance subscriber is made once the lawn is installed. In the market we can find different types of fertilizers for lawn, although the new generation fertilizers the best are slow release.
The main function of the received one is to control the felt or thatch, that is formed by the lack of balance between the growth of the turf and the decomposition of the organic remains that are generated during its development.
The receipt is an amendment or material composed of siliceous sand, which also has a percentage of organic matter.
The recipient also fulfills other missions on the lawn, such as favoring the emission of new roots or improving the permeability of the soil and its mechanical resistance , also serves to cover the seeds in the re-planting.
The ideal time to make a recipe is early spring and another in autumn.
The amount of I take to throw in the ground is of a layer between 1 to 1.5 cm of thickness, or of 2 to 3 liters per square meter and soon we will water abundantly.
Aeration and scarification
Aeration and scarification are two vital processes in the maintenance of our lawn. Of them will depend their good health and aspects.
Over time the soil is compacted and appear the first symptoms of suffocation of the lawn.This is manifested by dry clearings accompanied by irregular yellowing , which may be the entrance to various diseases.
The aeration consists of aerating the soil in depth , to allow the development of roots and the penetration of water and nutrients.
This process must be done once a year and after mowing and the land is neither dry nor too humid.
It really consists of making holes with special shoes, specific machines, etc ... And then they are covered with silica sand and proceed to an irrigation .
The scarification consists of opening superficially 2 or 3 mm the felt or thatch and thus releasing the base of the plants.
This can be done with manual or automatic scarifiers which carry blades and when they break thatch.
The best time to scarify is in the spring (budding period) or in autumn . Never in hot weather.
When we detect deteriorated areas, with bald areas, dry areas can be repopulated with some specific grass, repopulation , since they are lawns of fast growth.
First, before adding these seeds, we must remove the dry grass area and remove the soil a little .
Next we will put the seeds and we will cover them with recebo and with a roller we will compact them to the ground and finally we will realize the irrigation.