Aromatherapy... for your pet!

December 21, 2017

Did you know that pets absorb our emotions? Find out

We know that the smell of most animals is very sensitive to stimuli because they have more receptor cells and that gives them the ability to detect more variety of aromas. What better candidates for an aromatherapy session?

Once you have taken your pet to walk to a park or garden with lots of vegetation, you will notice that suddenly looking for a special type of plant to nibble on. This is because with their sense of smell they detect the ideal plant for self-healing; their instinct somehow helps them identify what their body needs.

This is even more generalized in animals that live in a natural or wild environment where they need to heal themselves of discomfort in their digestive system, bites, bites, etc. With aromatherapy, we can give our pet a more natural environment.

Now, what is the smell that your pet prefers? What is the essence that will make you feel as if you are in the same nature? Have several essences at hand to give your pet a try and she will let you know what she likes most. Make him smell a small amount of essence and observe the reaction of your pet.

The interest that the pet places on the aroma, even a simple movement of its nostrils, means that a hormonal, physical or biological response is being triggered through the essential one.

Applying the essence in the neck and chest of your pet makes it reach to inhale and along with the massage that you apply, will have a relaxing effect on your pet. However, make sure you do not abuse the amount of essence, since your pet can get fed up in a short time and on the other hand, its high sensitivity for odors could make it vulnerable to certain aromas.

It is not easy to find an expert who can guide you in aromatherapy for animals but you can consult your veterinarian about the availability of aromatherapy products for pets. You yourself know your pet and interact frequently with her, you can identify the effects of aromas and oils.

Remember that aromatherapy is an integral treatment, so more than the amount of essence, it is important that you give a pleasant massage to your pet and use kind words that relax it during the process. The tranquility of your pet will be reflected in your behavior at home and especially in your health.

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