Adopt an exotic pet?

December 21, 2017

An exotic pet is a different species from what are known as pets.

An exotic pet? A tamagotchi or one of those Japanese robot dogs? Not at all! An exotic pet is a different species from what are known as pets; that is, an exotic pet can be a tarantula, a reptile, a skunk, etc.

Of course it sounds interesting to know the customs and way of life of a tarantula or a reptile; but for the same reason that we do not know these customs, we must think twice before adopting an exotic pet.

We know very well what it takes to have a dog, a cat, a fish ... we also know that this type of animal will adapt to our lifestyle... we also know what preventive measures should be taken with respect to them (vaccines, for example). But what do we know about an exotic species? Their customs and reactions are completely unknown and unpredictable to us. For wildlife, it is best to stay in their habitat.

Still interested in acquiring an exotic pet? Consider other factors envolved:

· Do you have time available to invest in documenting and knowing all the customs and needs of an exotic pet?

· Have you considered the expenses of the veterinarian? Not every veterinarian can care for the pet; and if you can do it, surely the cost will be higher than for a common pet.

· If you go on a trip, who will be encouraged to take care of your pet? Do you have a budget to host a veterinarian in those days?

· Have you thought if your pet will need a partner?

· What will be the situation for the arrival of babies? Will the pet be harmful during pregnancy? Or will hygiene affect the area intended for the baby?

· What will you do if the pet does not adapt completely to your home? If the pet is the one that bites wires or makes holes in the walls?

We could continue with other factors, but if they are lovers of nature and pets, surely they are still interested in adopting an exotic species. In this case, there are other factors that must be taken into account in addition to having documented extensively about the pet that interests them:

· Investigate which pets are legal or if they need some kind of special registration. For example, if a wounded eagle has been found on the road and is kept at home to be cured; If they do not report it to the authorities, they could merit a fine. Some pet stores have put pets on display and subsequently have had to remove it by official provision; make sure first that the pet they sell is legal.

· What special food do you need? Is it easy to get?

· What is its interactivity with its same species, other species or with humans?

· Consider that an exotic pet can pose a health risk. Make sure vaccines and hygiene products are available.

If you are still enthusiastic about acquiring your exotic pet, then the next step is to choose a name for it. Luck!

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