Differences in the feeding of dogs and cats

November 01, 2017

The way cats and dogs eat is related to their animal behavior and their different domestication process. This determines that the owners of these pets have to know how each one eats to adapt their diet to their biology.

Dogs eat, cats "hunt"

Perhaps the most unique characteristic among them is their way of eating. The dog can calmly eat the food on his plate without having to feed it many times. The animal engulfs its contents and empties it. The cat does not. As a cat he is, his behavior still shows his character as a hunter animal, prevailing despite domestication. Therefore, they play with food as if it were a prey, since they are still carnivorous animals.
This "playful" behavior causes it to go more often to the plate, and, therefore, to eat more often, in addition to being more selective with what is in it and more routine (they do not carry the culinary variety very well). Therefore, if we have a cat at home, it is better that we do not fill the container too much if we do not want it to get too fat.

Dogs drink more water than cats

Felines usually drink a small amount of water, unlike dogs, which always approach their container for hydration whenever they need it. The lack of water palliates it with food. The food of the cats is usually wet, because it provides the amount of hydration that these animals need and that prevents them from developing kidney stones, for example. The excess of proteins contained in your diet requires the daily hydration provided by your breath. In this way, the risk of suffering from problems associated with the small amount of water they ingest is reduced.
Dogs, as we have said, drink more water and in greater quantities. This, together with the varied diet they eat (as they are omnivores, not only eat feed, but also homemade food) allows the supply of hydration needed by your body is covered, without the need for food to be wet.
Knowing the eating behavior patterns of dogs and cats we can better organize our daily routine and offer each of them the food they need in the right amounts to meet their nutritional needs.

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