Guide to install your own aquarium

November 01, 2017

As a decoration or pet, it is fascinating to have an aquarium

Aquariums are also an area for your pet fish, a form of relaxation. Have you ever been watching a fish as it moves from side to side in its fish tank ? Do you feel how you relax?

The aquariums or aquariums have not only taken part of the decoration of many houses and offices, but it is really fascinating to contemplate the aquatic life. So why not install one?

If you have some available time and space in your house, here we provide a guide to install your own aquarium.


Select a solid place to install it, because its water content could weigh up to 200 kilograms. In addition, the place should be out of reach of the sun's rays; the constant temperature in the fish tank is important. Similarly, it prevents the fish tank from receiving drafts. 

Recommended type of fish tank

It is recommended to acquire a sufficiently large and rectangular one (at least 70 cm wide, 50 cm high and 30 cm deep). In this way, the fish will not be affected by overpopulation, water contamination and variations in temperature.

The best material for the fish tank is glass, although it is of higher cost, it does not scratch so easily or become yellow with the passage of time.


The aquatic plants, stones, gravel and other decorative elements, besides adorning, also serve as refuge for the most introverted species.Before placing them in the tank, clean and wash each of the objects and filtering materials.

It is also suggested to protect the cover (the upper part) to avoid the passage of external elements, for the fish to jump out, or for the water to evaporate quickly.

Water quality 

It is advisable to have a kit for tests that detect pH, nitrites, nitrates, ammonia and impurities that may be in the water.

It is essential to check the filtering system and ventilation, since there must be enough oxygen in the water for the fish and for the oxidation of organic substances. If you require it, ask for support from the experts of the specialty shops in fish and aquariums.

Water temperature control 

It can be measured by placing a special thermometer for this function inside the tank. The temperature depends on the type of fish you will have in the aquarium, according to its habitat.

Preferably place two small heaters instead of one large one to help distribute the temperature better, plus you will have one active in case the other decomposes. Remember that the higher the water temperature, the less oxygen there will be; so the aquarium should not be overcrowded.

Measures to be taken before placing the fish in the aquarium

  • Run the aquarium without fish for a couple of weeks and daily monitor that the water quality and temperature are adequate.
  • The walls of the tank should be cleaned but it should not coincide with the time you feed them.
  • To facilitate the cleaning of the bottom, do not administer much food; There are also fish species that by their nature are dedicated to cleaning surfaces, it is advisable to have one of these (Corydoras aeneus).
  • Each time you buy a new species, for two weeks you should have it isolated in a bucket; in this way you prevent the other fish from getting infected in case this new species is incubating some disease.
Amounts of food 

The amount of food will be what the fish can consume in three or four minutes. If you deposit excess food, it will not be ingested by the fish and will sink to the bottom until decomposed.

In addition, overfeeding causes intestinal diseases or an accumulation of adipose tissue in the internal organs of fish that is harmful. The most common cause of fish death in aquariums is due to overfeeding. Here you can also rely on the experts of shops specializing in fish and aquariums.

When you go on vacation 

If you have planned a trip for less than 15 days, you can install an automatic feeder. In case the trip takes more time, it would be better to ask a person to clean the water and feed the fish.

It will be necessary that that person goes to where the aquarium is, since it should not move from its place, and you will have to give the indications about feeding and care.

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